You'll need to point the grid antenna fairly accurately at the GOES satellite. If you are out by even 1-2 degrees, the signal will not be seen, or be weak. Use the website to determine the Elevation and Azimuth that is required to point your dish, or simply take note of the line pointing towards the satellite and align the dish with features from your house. Note that on dishpointer GOES-17 is listed as 137.2W GOES-S (may change to GOES-17 in the future), and GOES-16 is listed as 75.2W GOES 16.
dishpointer license key
You can also use an augmented reality Android app like "Satellite-AR" to get a rough direction of the satellite. But this cannot be trusted for accuracy as the compasses on smartphones are often not very accurate. We recommend using a standard magnetic compass to help point by using the Azimuth (magn.) information from dishpointer.
Note that for GK-2A we found that the LNB skew given by dishpointer appears to be reversed in terms of the required rotation direction. We're not sure why, but may have something to do with the way the antenna is oriented on GK-2A. 2ff7e9595c