The Twonky Server can access multiple media servers across a number of servers and systems. The software can then aggregate the media files located across multiple locations and provide a central way to access them.
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The server itself is very flexible with software available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. There are also mobile apps for iOS and Android. There are privacy controls that can be used to configure how the media files are shared between users and between devices.
We do not track any actions you take in the program. How many other media servers can claim that?Your server is as secure as your home network, and all external requests are made via secure connections.
Twonky is a DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compliant media server which broadcasts (via UPnP) to media receivers on your local network. The server has device profiles for a range of media receivers, and is pretty easy to configure.
Now that you're presumably convinced that you need to install media server software to feed all your DNLA-compatible devices, what software should you choose? There are several good choices, depending on what precisely you want the server to do. Here are the most popular of them:
Each of these media server programs has its own group of loyal supporters. Plex is definitely the most popular of the bunch, but Mezzmo is gaining a lot of support quickly. And for music lovers, Subsonic has definite appeal. Most are free or have free trials, so try them out before you commit. 2ff7e9595c